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sAsB sCsD sEsF sGsH sIsJ sKsL sMsN sOsP sQsR sSsT sUsV sWsX sYsZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
super 67 +squares 7
super 77 DOABA +star 3
super 77 nail polish 3
super 777 detergent cake 3
super 8 35
super 8 hotel +square 16
super 808 6
super 94 1
super 944 3
super 951 3
super 999 3
super A.B. 6
super AASHO 3
super AAY KAY plus 2
super ACHAL detergent +lemo 3
super ACTION +men 25
super ACTIVE extra shining 3
super ACUGRIP chucks +circl 7
super ADIVIT 5
super AEROCEM 2
super AFRIDI 34
super AJAY SOAP 3
super ALAMGIR 7
super ALBA 2
super ALISEO 11
super AMARDEEP +oval 7
super AMMPEE 23
super AMPRO 2
super AMUL 2
super ANAND 7, 29
super ANCHOR 19
super ANCHOR +anchor 3, 30
super ANILA 3
super ANMOL 93 3
super ANMOL cold drinks 32
super ANUCEM plus 2
super APETI 5
super APETI +fruits 5
super APETIXIN +ribbon 5
super APEXCEM +building 2
super APPETONE 5
super APPOLO SX-4 LUB +oval 4
super APPOLO X-L LUB +oval 4
super APPU +elephant 3
super ARAP sabun +woman 3
super ARASU detergent cake 3
super ARCOCEM +triangle 2
super ARENA SAW 3
super AROCEM 2
super ASHOKA CEM 2
super ATLAS 7
super ATTAK LUMBOO +spiral 5
super AVANTI MATULYA +eye 24
super AVIN +oval 29
super BABA brand +sun 30
super BABOOL 21
super BABOOL +family plants 3
super BABOOL +man woman kid 3
super BADAL 24
super BAG 35
super BAIL JODI +ox 30
super BAJAJ 21
super BAJAJ +shield 17
super BAJAJ +swastika circl 21
super BAJAJ GUPTA light 11
super BALL 16
super BALTI SABUN +bucket 3
super BANDBOX +cartoons 37
super BANKER 16
super BARKATH silver 30
super BASSI 8
super BATA btc 3
super BEAR +bearing 7
super BENNY detergent cake 3
super BERKELLY super +star 34
super BIG GULP 32
super BIMAN +man 3
super BIRD blue +bird 3
super BIRLA tea 30
super BLACKBIRD 12
super BLANCHE 3
super BLAZE +sun 11
super BLITZE 17
super BLUE BIRD brand +wing 30, 35
super BOMB +circles 1
super BONDEX 16
super BOSS 24
super BRAIN YOGA 41
super BREATH 30
super BRIJWASI 30
super BULL +bull & circles 12
super BULLET 560 31
super CAB 9
super CALIS 5
super CAMY 11
super CANDLE brand +candle 30
super CANON 9
super CAR CLUB 9, 41
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